
Open a merge request for your branch to master using the GitLab web interface.

Merge requests#

When creating your merge request:

  1. Add a label for your working group

  2. Prefix the Merge Request title with Draft: until you’re happy with the results of tests and are ready to submit


If the merge request supersedes a previous one, add a comment at the end of the header: (supersedes !<MR number>). Please state explicitly in the description if the superseded ntuples can be deleted immediately, or after the new merge request is finalised


If you require a new release of DaVinci add the “DV release” label to your merge request to notify the DaVinci maintainer. They will set a two-week deadline for new merge requests to be included in a new DaVinci release in order to collate new features. Do not hesitate to ask for a quicker release if there is urgency.

When ready:

  • Remove Draft: from the Merge Request title.

  • Assign the merge request to your working group’s DPA/RTA liaison

To find your working group’s DPA/RTA liaison, see this page.


The status of a production can be monitored on the Analysis Productions webpage. The previous monitoring on the LHCbDirac web portal is being decommissioned.

Accessing output#

See the next section Accessing Output to figure out how to access your ntuples.