It is possible to test your productions locally and through continuous integration (CI).
LbAPLocal is the python library for running offline tests for the LHCb AnalysisProductions framework.
LbAPLocal is installed by default with the LHCb environment on lxplus. For users on external clusters, one can source the LHCb environment from CVMFS to get set up:
source /cvmfs/lhcb.cern.ch/lib/LbEnv
After installing, LbAPLocal can be run from the command line with the following options:
Usage: lb-ap [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Command line tool for the LHCb AnalysisProductions
--help Show this message and exit.
list List the available production folders by running lb-ap list
list-checks List the checks for a specific production by running lb-ap...
render Render the info.yaml for a given production
validate Validate the configuration for a given production
test Execute a job locally
check Run checks for a production
debug Start an interactive session inside the job's environment
reproduce Reproduce an existing online test locally
parse-log Read a Gaudi log file and extract information
Command Reference#
lb-ap list
: See available productions#
$ lb-ap list
The available productions are:
* MyAnalysis
To see which jobs are available for a given production:
$ lb-ap list MyAnalysis
The available jobs for MyAnalysis are:
* My2016MagDownJob
* My2016MagUpJob
lb-ap list-checks
: List all defined checks for a production#
To list checks used for a production:
$ lb-ap list-checks MyAnalysis
The checks defined for MyAnalysis are:
* MyRangeCheck (type: range)
* MyOtherRangeCheck (type: range)
* MyNumEntriesCheck (type: num_entries)
To list checks used for a production job:
$ lb-ap list-checks MyAnalysis My2016MagDownJob
The checks defined for MyAnalysis that are required by My2016MagDownJob are:
* MyRangeCheck (type: range)
* MyNumEntriesCheck (type: num_entries)
lb-ap render
: Render info.yaml
for a given production#
$ lb-ap render MyAnalysis
lb-ap validate
: Validate the configuration of a given production#
$ lb-ap validate MyAnalysis
Rendering info.yaml for MyAnalysis
YAML parsed successfully
YAML validated successfully
lb-ap debug
: Test a job interactively#
$ lb-ap debug MyAnalysis My2016MagDownJob
Welcome to analysis productions debug mode:
The production can be tested by running:
gaudirun.py -T '$ANALYSIS_PRODUCTIONS_DYNAMIC/Lb2Lll/MC_2017_MagDown_Lb2PsiL_mm_strip_autoconf.py' '$ANALYSIS_PRODUCTIONS_BASE/Lb2Lll/stripping_seq.py' prodConf_DaVinci_00012345_00006789_1.py
[DaVinci v45r5] output $
lb-ap test
: test a job non-interactively#
$ lb-ap test MyAnalysis My2016MagDownJob
Success! Output can be found in xxxxxxxxxxxx
For both interactive and non-interactive testing, when testing a job
that depends on another job to provide the input file the dependent job
will be tested first and its output passed to the requested job. If the
dependent job has already been run the location of its output can be
passed to the requested job by appending -i <output_file_path>
lb-ap test <production_name> <job_name>
To test a job on a specific input file:
$ lb-ap test MyAnalysis My2016MagDownJob -i InputFileLocation
Success! Output can be found in xxxxxxxxxxxx
InputFileLocation can be either an LFN or a path to a local file. This is also valid for the debug command.
lb-ap check
: Run checks for a specific job#
To run only the checks for a job (non-interactively, requiring the
output from an earlier successful test
$ lb-ap check MyAnalysis My2016MagDownJob local-tests/path/to/output/OUTPUT_NTUPLE.ROOT
All checks passed! Any output can be found in local-tests/path/to/output/checks
To run only the checks for a job but saving the output to a different
location (non-interactively, requiring the output from an earlier
successful test
$ lb-ap check MyAnalysis My2016MagDownJob local-tests/path/to/output/OUTPUT_NTUPLE.ROOT another/file/path
All checks passed! Any output can be found in another/file/path
lb-ap parse-log
: Parse a gaudi log file#
To read a Gaudi log file and extract information:
$ lb-ap parse-log Job.log
Summary of log messages in: Job.log
Found 2659 ERROR messages
* 2649 instances of "*** Flag container MC/TrackInfo not found."
* 9 instances of "HltSelReportsDecoder:: Failed to add Hlt selection name Hlt2RecSummary to its container "
* 1 instances of "HltSelReportsDecoder:: The ERROR message is suppressed : ' Failed to add Hlt selection name Hlt2RecSummary to its container '"
Found 61 WARNING messages
* 7 instances of "TupleToolBremInfo:: TupleToolBremInfo requires fullDST - BremP and BremOrigin might not be reliable (Multiplicity is OK)"
and 54 others (50 unique), pass "--suppress=0" to show all messages
Errors have been detected!
* Lines: 3275, 3277, 3279, 3281, 3283 and 17 others
This message indicates the location specified for the information being accessed by
RelatedInfo does not exist. It is likely that either:
* The location specified is incorrect, try looking for it with dst-dump.
* The given information was never stored for that candidate, in which case the use of
RelatedInfo should be removed.
General explanations
* Line: 6318
Histograms are not being saved as no filename has been specified for storing them. This
message is harmless and normally ignored.
Error: Found issues in log
Continuous integration#
Every commit that is pushed to lhcb-datapkg/AnalysisProductions is tested using GitLab CI. The CI logs will show a link which can be used for getting detailed information about the status of tests.
Placeholder (GitLab CI, LbAPWeb pipelines)
Next steps#
If you are happy with the results of your tests, you can proceed to Submitting.