Source code for LbAPCommon.options_parsing
# (c) Copyright 2021-2022 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration #
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# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public #
# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". #
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import json
import uproot
from LbAPCommon.parsing import is_simulation_job
[docs]def validate_options(json_file: str, ntuple_fn: str, job_name: str, prod_data: dict):
"""Validate YAML options.
Check existence of expected TTrees and ensure at least one
DecayTree and MCDecayTree (for MC samples) exist(s) in output files.
json_file (str): json_file listing the expected TTrees
ntuple_fn (str): Local test output tuple to validate against
job_name (str): Name of job to validate
prod_data (dict): Entire production information from yaml parsing
tuple[list[str]]: Errors if any expected TTrees are not found in job output,
warnings if at least one (MC)DecayTree isn't found in job output
with open(json_file, "rb") as fp:
json_dump = json.load(fp)
file =
tuple_keys = file.keys(cycle=False)
errors = []
warnings = []
mc_decay_tree = any({"MCDecayTree" in key for key in tuple_keys})
decay_tree = any(
{("DecayTree" in key and "MCDecayTree" not in key) for key in tuple_keys}
if not decay_tree:
"No DecayTree detected in the output file! Is this intentional?"
# It's not possible to statically check if using transform_ids as input
if "transform_ids" not in prod_data[job_name]["input"]:
if is_simulation_job(prod_data, job_name) and not mc_decay_tree:
"No MCDecayTree detected in the output file! Is this intentional?"
# Checking DecayTreeTuples
for ntuple in json_dump["DecayTreeTuple"]:
if ntuple not in tuple_keys:
errors.append(f"ERROR: DecayTreeTuple {ntuple} missing in test result")
# Checking MCDecayTreeTuples
for ntuple in json_dump["MCDecayTreeTuple"]:
if ntuple not in tuple_keys:
errors.append(f"ERROR: MCDecayTreeTuple {ntuple} missing in test result")
# Checking MCDecayTreeTuples
for ntuple in json_dump["EventTuple"]:
if ntuple not in tuple_keys:
errors.append(f"ERROR: EventTuple {ntuple} missing in test result")
return errors, warnings