# (c) Copyright 2021-2022 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration #
# #
# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public #
# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". #
# #
# In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities #
# granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization #
# or submit itself to any jurisdiction. #
import re
from collections import OrderedDict
from os.path import isfile, join, relpath
import jinja2
import yaml
from strictyaml import (
from LbAPCommon import config
from LbAPCommon.linting.bk_paths import validate_bk_query
RE_APPLICATION = r"^(([A-Za-z]+/)+v\d+r\d+(p\d+)?(\@[a-z0-9_\-\+]+)?)|(lb\-conda/[A-Za-z0-9_]+/(\d\d\d\d\-\d\d-\d\d))"
RE_JOB_NAME = r"^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+$"
RE_OPTIONS_FN = r"^\$?[a-zA-Z0-9/\.\-\+\=_]+$"
RE_INFORM = r"^(?:[a-zA-Z]{3,}|[^@\s]+@[^@\s]+\.[^@\s]+)$"
RE_ROOT_IN_TES = r"^\/.+$"
RE_DDDB_TAG = r"^.{1,50}$"
RE_CONDDB_TAG = r"^.{1,50}$"
RE_COMMENT = r"(.{1,5000})"
Optional("command"): Seq(Str()),
"files": Seq(Regex(RE_OPTIONS_FN)),
"entrypoint": Regex(r".+:.+"),
Optional("extra_options"): MapPattern(Str(), Any()),
Optional("extra_args"): Seq(Str()),
"application": Regex(RE_APPLICATION),
"input": MapPattern(Str(), Any()),
"output": Regex(RE_OUTPUT_FILE_TYPE) | Seq(Regex(RE_OUTPUT_FILE_TYPE)),
"options": Regex(RE_OPTIONS_FN)
| Seq(Regex(RE_OPTIONS_FN))
| MapPattern(Str(), Any()),
"wg": Enum(config.known_working_groups),
"inform": Regex(RE_INFORM) | Seq(Regex(RE_INFORM)),
# Automatic configuration
"automatically_configure": Bool(),
"turbo": Bool(),
Optional("root_in_tes"): Regex(RE_ROOT_IN_TES),
Optional("simulation"): Bool(),
Optional("luminosity"): Bool(),
Optional("data_type"): Enum(config.known_data_types),
Optional("input_type"): Enum(config.known_input_types),
Optional("dddb_tag"): Regex(RE_DDDB_TAG),
Optional("conddb_tag"): Regex(RE_CONDDB_TAG),
Optional("checks"): Seq(Str()), # TODO: replace this with a regex
Optional("extra_checks"): Seq(
), # TODO: replace this with a regex or with something like the line below
# Production submission metadata
Optional("comment"): Regex(RE_COMMENT),
Optional("tags"): MapPattern(Str(), Str()),
"priority": Enum(config.allowed_priorities),
"completion_percentage": Float(),
"bk_query": Map(
"bk_query": Str(),
Optional("n_test_lfns"): Int(),
Optional("dq_flags"): DQ_FLAGS_SCHEMA,
Optional("smog2_state"): Seq(Str()),
Optional("extended_dq_ok"): Seq(Str()),
Optional("runs"): Seq(Int() | Regex(RE_INCLUSIVE_RUN_RANGE)),
Optional("start_run"): Int(),
Optional("end_run"): Int(),
Optional("input_plugin", default="default"): Enum(["default", "by-run"]),
Optional("keep_running", default=True): Bool(),
Optional("sample_fraction"): Float(),
Optional("sample_seed"): Str(),
"sample": Map(
"wg": Str(),
"analysis": Str(),
Optional("name"): Str(),
Optional("version"): Str(),
Optional("tags"): MapPattern(Str(), Str()),
Optional("n_test_lfns"): Int(),
Optional("input_plugin", default="default"): Enum(["default", "by-run"]),
Optional("keep_running", default=True): Bool(),
"job_name": Map(
{"job_name": Str(), Optional("filetype"): Regex(RE_OUTPUT_FILE_TYPE)}
"transform_ids": Map(
"transform_ids": Seq(Int()),
"filetype": Regex(RE_OUTPUT_FILE_TYPE),
Optional("n_test_lfns"): Int(),
Optional("dq_flags"): DQ_FLAGS_SCHEMA,
Optional("smog2_state"): Seq(Str()),
Optional("runs"): Seq(Int() | Regex(RE_INCLUSIVE_RUN_RANGE)),
Optional("start_run"): Int(),
Optional("end_run"): Int(),
Optional("sample_fraction"): Float(),
Optional("sample_seed"): Str(),
"automatically_configure": False,
"turbo": False,
"completion_percentage": 100,
"priority": "1b",
"range": {
Optional("mode"): Enum(config.validation_modes),
"expression": Str(), # TODO: replace this with a regex
"limits": Map({"min": Float(), "max": Float()}),
Optional("n_bins"): Int(),
Optional("blind_ranges"): Map({"min": Float(), "max": Float()})
| Seq(Map({"min": Float(), "max": Float()})),
Optional("exp_mean"): Float(),
Optional("exp_std"): Float(),
Optional("mean_tolerance"): Float(),
Optional("std_tolerance"): Float(),
"range_nd": {
Optional("mode"): Enum(config.validation_modes),
"expressions": Map(
{ # TODO: replace Str() with a regex
"x": Str(),
"y": Str(),
Optional("z"): Str(),
"limits": Map(
"x": Map({"min": Float(), "max": Float()}),
"y": Map({"min": Float(), "max": Float()}),
Optional("z"): Map({"min": Float(), "max": Float()}),
Optional("n_bins"): Map(
"x": Int(),
"y": Int(),
Optional("z"): Int(),
Optional("blind_ranges"): Seq(
"x": Map({"min": Float(), "max": Float()}),
"y": Map({"min": Float(), "max": Float()}),
Optional("z"): Map({"min": Float(), "max": Float()}),
"num_entries": {
Optional("mode"): Enum(config.validation_modes),
"count": Int(),
"num_entries_per_invpb": {
Optional("mode"): Enum(config.validation_modes),
"count_per_invpb": Float(),
Optional("lumi_pattern"): Str(),
"range_bkg_subtracted": {
Optional("mode"): Enum(config.validation_modes),
"expression": Str(),
"limits": Map({"min": Float(), "max": Float()}),
"expr_for_subtraction": Str(),
"mean_sig": Float(),
"background_shift": Float(),
"background_window": Float(),
"signal_window": Float(),
Optional("n_bins"): Int(),
Optional("blind_ranges"): Map({"min": Float(), "max": Float()})
| Seq(Map({"min": Float(), "max": Float()})),
"branches_exist": {
Optional("mode"): Enum(config.validation_modes),
"branches": Seq(Str()),
validation_type: {"mode": Enum(config.validation_modes)}
for validation_type in config.validation_types
"type": Enum(list(CHECK_TYPE_SCHEMAS)),
Optional("tree_pattern"): Str(),
"tree_pattern": r"(.*/DecayTree)|(.*/MCDecayTree)",
"mode": "Strict",
"num_entries": {},
"range": {
"n_bins": 50,
"range_nd": {
"n_bins": {
"x": 50,
"y": 50,
"z": 50,
"num_entries_per_invpb": {
"lumi_pattern": r"(.*/LumiTuple)",
"range_bkg_subtracted": {
"n_bins": 50,
"branches_exist": {},
validation_type: {"mode": "Strict"} for validation_type in config.validation_types
def _ordered_dict_to_dict(a):
if isinstance(a, (OrderedDict, dict)):
return {k: _ordered_dict_to_dict(v) for k, v in a.items()}
elif isinstance(a, (list, tuple)):
return [_ordered_dict_to_dict(v) for v in a]
return a
[docs]def render_yaml(raw_yaml):
"""Render a "raw" YAML jinja template.
Accepts LbAP yaml configuration jinja template and renders it into a full YAML configuration.
raw_yaml (str): YAML jinja-template string
ValueError: raised if jinja2 couldn't render the raw_yaml string.
str: a jinja-rendered YAML string.
rendered_yaml = jinja2.Template(
raw_yaml, undefined=jinja2.StrictUndefined
except jinja2.TemplateError as e:
raise ValueError(
"Failed to render with jinja2 on line %s: %s"
% (getattr(e, "lineno", "unknown"), e)
) from e
return rendered_yaml
def _validate_proc_pass_map(job_names, proc_pass_map):
"""Build processing paths and validate them from a processing pass map.
Given a list of step job names (in correct order), and the processing pass map,
build the processing path for each step and verify the length is below 100.
job_names (list[str]): a list containing step job names.
proc_pass_map (dict): A dictionary mapping job names to processing pass
ValueError: raised if the processing path length is over 100 characters
for i, job_name in enumerate(job_names):
proc_passes = map(proc_pass_map.get, job_names[:i] + [job_name])
pro_path = "/".join(proc_passes)
if len(pro_path) >= 100:
proc_pass = proc_pass_map[job_name]
step_jobs_list = " - " + "\n - ".join(job_names)
raise ValueError(
f"The expected processing path length for the job {job_name!r} is too long.\n"
"DIRAC requires this to be less than 100 characters.\n\n"
f"'Step' jobs:\n{step_jobs_list!r}\n"
f"Job name: {job_name!r}\n"
f"Processing pass for this step: {proc_pass!r}\n"
f"Processing path for this step ({len(pro_path)} chars): {pro_path}\n\n"
"To recover from this issue, consider:"
" - Removing redundant information from your job name.\n"
" - Shortening your job names.\n"
" - If the offending job depends on output from other jobs, ensure that they have a common prefix.\n"
def create_proc_pass_map(job_names, version, default_proc_pass="default"):
"""Create a job name to processing pass map.
Given a list of step job names and the production version, produce a
job_name --> processing pass mapping.
job_names (list): step job names
version (str): LbAPproduction version
default_proc_pass (str, optional): the default processing pass. Defaults to "default".
dict: a step job name to processing pass map
proc_pass_prefix = f"AnaProd-{version}-"
proc_pass_map = {}
# dummy_version = "v0r0p00000000"
def clean_proc_pass(i, original_job_name):
# attempt to remove redundant information from the job name
job_name = re.sub(
# Remove repeated separator chatacters
job_name = re.sub(r"([-_])[-_]+", r"\1", job_name).strip("_-")
if i == 0:
return f"{proc_pass_prefix}{job_name}"
proc_pass = job_name
for previous_job_name in job_names[:i]:
size = 0
previous_proc_pass = proc_pass_map[previous_job_name]
# Remove the prefix if this is the first job
if previous_proc_pass.startswith(proc_pass_prefix):
previous_proc_pass = previous_proc_pass[len(proc_pass_prefix) :]
# Look for a common prefix and remove it
for last, this in zip(previous_proc_pass, proc_pass):
if last != this:
size += 1
proc_pass = proc_pass[size:].strip("_-+")
# If the processing pass has been entirely stripped use a default
if not proc_pass:
proc_pass = default_proc_pass
return proc_pass
for i, job_name in enumerate(job_names):
proc_pass_map[job_name] = clean_proc_pass(i, job_name)
_validate_proc_pass_map(job_names, proc_pass_map)
return proc_pass_map
def is_simulation_job(prod_data: dict, job_name: str):
"""Determine if a job is using MC input or not.
prod_data (dict): Entire production information from yaml parsing
job_name (str): Name of the job to determine if it's using MC input or not
NotImplementedError: No bookkeeping location or job name provided.
bool: True if the job is using MC input, False if it is not
job_dict = prod_data[job_name]
if "simulation" not in job_dict:
if "bk_query" in job_dict["input"]:
if "/mc/" in job_dict["input"]["bk_query"].lower():
return True
return False
elif "job_name" in job_dict["input"]:
dependent_job = prod_data[job_name]["input"]["job_name"]
return is_simulation_job(prod_data, dependent_job)
raise NotImplementedError(
"Input requires either a bookkeeping location or a previous job name"
[docs]def parse_yaml(rendered_yaml):
"""Parse rendered YAML text.
rendered_yaml (str): The rendered YAML jinja template.
ValueError: raised if errors occurred during parsing.
tuple: a tuple of the parsed configuration data2 (dict) and checks data (dict).
data1 = load(
rendered_yaml, schema=MapPattern(Regex(RE_JOB_NAME), Any(), minimum_keys=1)
data_checks = {}
if "checks" in data1:
# apply the appropriate schema to each different type of check
for _check_name, check_data in data1["checks"].items():
check_type = str(check_data["type"])
check_schema = {
check_defaults = {
# apply default values common to all check types
for key, value in check_schema.copy().items():
if isinstance(key, Optional):
key = key.key
if key not in check_data and key in check_defaults:
key = Optional(key, default=check_defaults.get(key))
check_schema[key] = value
# if checks pass validation, store elsewhere & delete from main data
# so that normal jobs aren't impacted
data_checks = data1.data["checks"]
# special case: range_nd defaults with variable number of axes
# if only 2D, remove the defaults for the 3rd axis
for chk, chk_data in data_checks.items():
if chk_data.get("type") == "range_nd":
if (
== CHECK_TYPE_DEFAULT_VALUES["range_nd"]["n_bins"]
if len(chk_data.get("expressions")) == 2:
del data_checks[chk]["n_bins"]["z"]
del data1["checks"]
if "defaults" in data1:
defaults_schema = {}
for key, value in BASE_JOB_SCHEMA.items():
if isinstance(key, Optional):
key = key.key
key = Optional(key, default=DEFAULT_JOB_VALUES.get(key))
defaults_schema[key] = value
defaults = data1.data["defaults"]
# Remove the defaults data from the snippet
del data1["defaults"]
defaults = DEFAULT_JOB_VALUES.copy()
job_names = list(data1.data.keys())
if len(set(n.lower() for n in job_names)) != len(job_names):
raise ValueError(
"Found multiple jobs with the same name but different capitalisation"
job_name_schema = Regex(r"(" + r"|".join(map(re.escape, job_names)) + r")")
# StrictYAML has non-linear complexity when parsing many keys
# Avoid extremely slow parsing by doing each key individually
data2 = {}
for k, v in data1.items():
k = k.data
v = _ordered_dict_to_dict(v.data)
production_schema = {}
if "comment" in v:
raise ValueError(
"comment is only allowed to be set in the defaults of the production!"
for key, value in BASE_JOB_SCHEMA.items():
if isinstance(key, Optional):
key = key.key
production_schema[Optional(key, default=defaults.get(key))] = value
elif key in defaults:
production_schema[Optional(key, default=defaults[key])] = value
production_schema[key] = value
data = load(
yaml.safe_dump({k: v}),
MapPattern(job_name_schema, Map(production_schema), minimum_keys=1),
for input_key, input_schema in INPUT_SCHEMAS.items():
if input_key in data.data[k]["input"]:
raise ValueError(
"Failed to find a valid schema for %s's input. "
"Allowed values are: %s"
% (k, set(INPUT_SCHEMAS))
if isinstance(data.data[k]["options"], dict):
if "files" in data.data[k]["options"]:
# move contents of extra_checks to checks
data_dict = data.data
if "checks" not in data_dict[k]:
data_dict[k]["checks"] = []
if "extra_checks" in data_dict[k]:
data_dict[k]["checks"] += data_dict[k]["extra_checks"]
del data_dict[k]["extra_checks"]
# Ensure runs is not used with start_run/end_run
if runs := data_dict[k]["input"].get("runs"):
if (
"start_run" in data_dict[k]["input"]
or "end_run" in data_dict[k]["input"]
raise ValueError(
f"Both inclusive run ranges and start/end runs are specified for {k}"
# If a single run range is specified, convert it to start/end runs
if len(runs) == 1 and isinstance(runs[0], str):
del data_dict[k]["input"]["runs"]
start_run, end_run = map(int, runs[0].split(":"))
data_dict[k]["input"]["start_run"] = start_run
data_dict[k]["input"]["end_run"] = end_run
if "start_run" in data_dict[k]["input"] and "end_run" in data_dict[k]["input"]:
start_run = data_dict[k]["input"]["start_run"]
end_run = data_dict[k]["input"]["end_run"]
if start_run >= end_run:
raise ValueError(
f"Start run {start_run} must be less than end run {end_run} for {k}"
return data2, data_checks
def _normalise_filetype(prod_name, job_name, filetype):
filetype = filetype.upper()
errors = []
if len(filetype) >= 50:
errors += ["The filetype is excessively long"]
if re.findall(r"[0-9]{8}", filetype, re.IGNORECASE):
errors += ["It appears the event type is included"]
if re.findall(r"Mag(Up|Down)", filetype, re.IGNORECASE):
errors += ["It appears the magnet polarity is included"]
if re.findall(r"(^|[^0*9])201[125678]($|[^0*9])", filetype, re.IGNORECASE):
errors += ["It appears the data taking year is included"]
if errors:
_errors = "\n * ".join(errors)
raise ValueError(
f"Output filetype {filetype} for {prod_name}/{job_name} is invalid "
f"as it appears to contain redundant information.\n\n"
f" * {_errors}"
return filetype
def _check_name_magnet_polarity(bk_query, job_name):
match = re.search(r"-mag(up|down)[-/]", bk_query)
if not match:
return [f"Failed to find magnet polarity in {bk_query}"]
good_pol = match.groups()[0]
bad_pol = {"down": "up", "up": "down"}[good_pol]
if f"mag{bad_pol}" in job_name:
raise ValueError(
f"Found 'mag{bad_pol}' in job name {job_name!r} with"
f"'mag{good_pol}' input ({bk_query!r}). "
"Has the wrong magnet polarity been used?"
match = re.search(r"([^a-z0-9]|\b)m(u|d)([^a-z0-9]|\b)", job_name)
if match and match.groups()[1] == bad_pol[0]:
raise ValueError(
f"Found 'm{bad_pol[0]}' in job name {job_name!r} with"
f" 'mag{good_pol}' input ({bk_query!r}). "
"Has the wrong magnet polarity been used?"
return []
[docs]def validate_yaml(jobs_data, checks_data, repo_root, prod_name):
"""Validate YAML configuration for anything that would definitely break a job or the production.
Other validations that aren't essential for at least testing a job are done via the checks framework.
jobs_data (dict): Parsed job configuration.
checks_data (dict): Parsed checks configuration.
repo_root (str): Repository location.
prod_name (str): Production name.
ValueError: Raised if there are showstopper issues in the parsed job configuration.
# Ensure all values that can be either a list or a string are lists of strings
for job_name, _ in jobs_data.items():
_validate_job_data(repo_root, prod_name, job_name, jobs_data, checks_data)
except Exception as e:
raise ValueError(f"Failed to validate {job_name!r} with error {e!r}") from e
# Ensure job name inputs are unambiguous
for job_name, job_data in jobs_data.items():
if "job_name" in job_data["input"]:
if job_data["input"]["job_name"] not in jobs_data:
raise ValueError(
f"Unrecognised job name in input: {job_data['input']['job_name']}"
input_job_data = jobs_data[job_data["input"]["job_name"]]
input_filetype = job_data["input"].get("filetype", "").upper()
if len(input_job_data["output"]) == 1:
if input_filetype not in [""] + input_job_data["output"]:
raise ValueError(
f"Unrecognised {input_filetype=} for {job_name=} input, "
f"expected one of: {input_job_data['output']}"
elif input_filetype == "":
raise ValueError(
f"{job_name} gets its input from a job with multiple outputs. "
"The 'filetype' key must be specified in the 'input' section."
elif input_filetype.upper() not in input_job_data["output"]:
raise ValueError(
f"Unrecognised {input_filetype=} for {job_name=} input, "
f"expected one of: {input_job_data['output']}"
# Validate checks
_validate_checks_data(checks_data, jobs_data)
except Exception as e:
raise ValueError(f"Failed to validate checks with error {e!r}") from e
def _validate_job_data(repo_root, prod_name, job_name, jobs_data, checks_data):
job_data = jobs_data[job_name]
# Normalise list/str fields to always be lists
for prop in ["output", "options", "inform", "checks", "extra_checks"]:
if not isinstance(job_data.get(prop, []), (list, dict)):
job_data[prop] = [job_data[prop]]
# Validate the input data
if "bk_query" in job_data["input"]:
# Validate the output filetype
job_data["output"] = [
_normalise_filetype(prod_name, job_name, s) for s in job_data["output"]
# Normalise the options filenames if we're using a non-PyConf application
if isinstance(job_data["options"], list):
job_data["options"] = {"files": job_data["options"]}
if "files" in job_data["options"]:
normalised_options = []
for fn in job_data["options"]["files"]:
if fn.startswith("$"):
fn_normed = (
if repo_root is None
else relpath(join(repo_root, fn), start=repo_root)
if fn_normed.startswith("../"):
raise ValueError(f"{fn} not found inside {repo_root}")
if repo_root is not None and not isfile(
join(repo_root, prod_name, fn_normed)
raise FileNotFoundError(
f"Production {job_name!r} has a missing options file: "
f"{join(prod_name, fn_normed)!r}",
join("$ANALYSIS_PRODUCTIONS_BASE", prod_name, fn_normed)
job_data["options"]["files"] = normalised_options
# Validate the check names
# All checks listed for jobs should match a check defined in checks_data
if "checks" in job_data:
for ck in job_data["checks"]:
if ck not in list(checks_data.keys()):
raise ValueError(f"Check {ck} not found in list of defined checks")
# Validate the completion percentage
if not (10 <= job_data["completion_percentage"] <= 100):
raise ValueError(
f"Validation failed for job {job_name!r}, completion_percentage "
f"was set to {job_data['completion_percentage']!r}, allowed "
"values are in the interval [10, 100]."
def _validate_checks_data(checks_data, jobs_data):
# All checks defined in checks_data should be used by at least 1 job
checks_used = {ck: False for ck in checks_data}
for _job_name, job_data in jobs_data.items():
if "checks" in job_data:
for ck in job_data["checks"]:
if ck in checks_used:
checks_used[ck] = True
for ck, ck_used in checks_used.items():
if not ck_used:
raise ValueError(f"Check {ck} is defined but not used")
# Requirements for numbers of bins in checks that create histograms
# Must have 1<n<=100 bins on each axis
n_bins_maximum = 100
for _cname, cdata in checks_data.items():
if cdata.get("type") == "range" or cdata.get("type") == "range_bkg_subtracted":
if cdata.get("n_bins") <= 1 or cdata.get("n_bins") > n_bins_maximum:
raise ValueError(
f"Number of bins for a histogram must be in the interval [2, {n_bins_maximum}]"
elif cdata.get("type") == "range_nd":
for _axis, n_bins in cdata.get("n_bins").items():
if n_bins <= 1 or n_bins > n_bins_maximum:
raise ValueError(
f"Number of bins for a histogram must be in the interval [2, {n_bins_maximum}] on each axis"
# For mean/stddev in range checks: can't specify tolerance without a central value (& vice versa)
for _cname, cdata in checks_data.items():
if cdata.get("type") == "range":
req_pair_tuples = [
("exp_mean", "mean_tolerance"),
("exp_std", "std_tolerance"),
for pair in req_pair_tuples + [tup[::-1] for tup in req_pair_tuples]:
if (cdata.get(pair[0]) is not None) and (cdata.get(pair[1])) is None:
raise ValueError(
f"When using {pair[0]!r}, must also specify {pair[1]!r}"