Source code for apd.ap_info

# (c) Copyright 2021-2023 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      #
#                                                                             #
# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      #
# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   #
#                                                                             #
# In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities #
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"""Internal tools to load and interpret information from the AnalysisProductions data endpoint.

This modules contains the retrieve the data from the AnalysisProductions endpoint
(with the APDataDownloader class). It returns JSON that can be loaded into a
SamplesCollection instance.

import difflib
import itertools
import json
import logging
import math
import os
import secrets
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path

import requests

from .authentication import get_auth_headers
from .eos import auth

logger = logging.getLogger("apd")

[docs]def iterable(arg): """Version of Iterable that excludes str.""" return isinstance(arg, and not isinstance( arg, (str, bytes) )
[docs]def safe_casefold(a): """Casefold that can be called on any type, does nothing on non str.""" if isinstance(a, str): return a.casefold() return a
[docs]def check_tag_value_possible(tag, values, available_tags): """Check if the `tag` exists in the in the `available_tags` of similar name, in the sense of `difflib.get_close_matches`. If yes, also check that the value is one of the existing tags values for that tag """ tag_list = [t.lower() for t in available_tags.keys()] tag = safe_casefold(tag) if tag not in tag_list: msg = f"Tag {tag} unknown." closest = difflib.get_close_matches(tag, tag_list, n=1) if closest: msg += f" Did you mean {closest[0]} ?" msg += f"\nAvailable tags: {', '.join(tag_list)}" raise ValueError(msg) # Now we now the tag exists, checking the value is in the samples # We can have either a value or a list passed, we always # transform to a list to simplify processing if not iterable(values): values = [safe_casefold(str(values))] else: values = [safe_casefold(str(v)) for v in values] for value in values: possible_values = available_tags[tag] if not iterable(possible_values): possible_values = [possible_values] possible_values = [safe_casefold(v) for v in possible_values] if value not in possible_values: msg = f"No sample for tag {tag}={value}" closest = difflib.get_close_matches(value, possible_values, n=1) if closest: msg += f" Did you mean {closest[0]} ?" msg += f"\nAvailable values for {tag}: {', '.join(possible_values)}" raise ValueError(msg)
[docs]class InvalidCacheError(Exception): """Exception to signal that the AP info cache is invalid"""
[docs]class APDataDownloader: """Utility class that fetches the Analysis Production information.""" def __init__(self, api_url=""): """Constructor defaulting to the production URL for lbap.""" self.api_url = api_url self.token = None def _get_kwargs(self): return {"timeout": 120, **get_auth_headers()}
[docs] def get_ap_info(self, working_group, analysis, ap_date=None): params = {"at_time": ap_date} if ap_date else None r = requests.get( f"{self.api_url}/stable/v1/{working_group}/{analysis}", params=params, **self._get_kwargs(), ) r.raise_for_status() return r.json()
[docs] def get_ap_tags(self, working_group, analysis, ap_date=None): params = {"at_time": ap_date} if ap_date else None r = requests.get( f"{self.api_url}/stable/v1/{working_group}/{analysis}/tags", params=params, **self._get_kwargs(), ) r.raise_for_status() return r.json()
[docs] def get_user_info(self): r = requests.get(f"{self.api_url}/user", **self._get_kwargs()) r.raise_for_status() return r.json()
[docs]def fetch_ap_info( working_group, analysis, loader=None, api_url="", ap_date=None, ): """Fetch the API info from the service""" if not loader: loader = APDataDownloader(api_url) # Fetch the AP info from the website and check whether it is # empty, as the API return 200 OK even if the WG/analysis # does not exist info = loader.get_ap_info(working_group, analysis, ap_date) if not info: raise KeyError( f"Analysis {working_group}/{analysis} not found or samples may have been archived" ) return SampleCollection( info, loader.get_ap_tags(working_group, analysis, ap_date), )
def _find_case_insensitive(mydir, filename): for f in os.listdir(mydir): if f.casefold() == filename.casefold(): return f raise FileNotFoundError(f"{filename} in {mydir}") def _analysis_files( cache_dir, working_group, analysis, ap_date, find_case_insensitive=False ): """Utils to compose the name of the cache files.""" cache_dir = Path(cache_dir) cache_dir = (cache_dir / "archives" / ap_date) if ap_date else cache_dir wgdir = cache_dir / working_group anadir = wgdir / analysis datafile = wgdir / f"{analysis}.json" tagsfile = anadir / "tags.json" cacheinfofile = wgdir / f"{analysis}_cacheinfo.json" # At this stage we have the paths built based on what was specified # we want to be case insensitive when looking in the cache for an # analysis already submitted if find_case_insensitive and (not datafile.exists() or not tagsfile.exists()): wgdir = cache_dir / _find_case_insensitive(cache_dir, working_group) anadir = wgdir / _find_case_insensitive(wgdir, analysis) datafile = wgdir / _find_case_insensitive(wgdir, f"{analysis}.json") tagsfile = anadir / "tags.json" cacheinfofile = wgdir / _find_case_insensitive( wgdir, f"{analysis}_cacheinfo.json" ) if not os.path.exists(anadir): os.makedirs(anadir) return datafile, tagsfile, cacheinfofile MODIFY = "modify" READ = "read" def _update_cache_info(cacheinfofile, update_modify, update_read): current_info = {} if cacheinfofile.exists(): current_info = json.loads(cacheinfofile.read_text()) if update_modify: current_info[MODIFY] = if update_read: current_info[READ] = temp_path = cacheinfofile.parent / ( + secrets.token_urlsafe()) temp_path.write_text(json.dumps(current_info)) os.rename(temp_path, cacheinfofile) return current_info def _get_cache_age(cacheinfo): """Return the number of seconds since the cache was last modified""" modif_str = cacheinfo.get(MODIFY, None) if not modif_str: return math.inf mtime = datetime.fromisoformat(modif_str) delta = - mtime return delta.total_seconds()
[docs]def cache_ap_info( cache_dir, working_group, analysis, loader=None, api_url="", ap_date=None, ): """Fetch the AP info and cache it locally.""" datafile, tagsfile, cacheinfofile = _analysis_files( cache_dir, working_group, analysis, ap_date ) samples = fetch_ap_info(working_group, analysis, loader, api_url, ap_date) datafile.write_text(json.dumps( tagsfile.write_text(json.dumps(samples.tags)) _update_cache_info(cacheinfofile, True, True) return samples
[docs]def load_ap_info(cache_dir, working_group, analysis, ap_date=None, maxlifetime=None): """Load the API info from a cache file""" # We want a case insensitive lookup datafile, tagsfile, cacheinfofile = _analysis_files( cache_dir, working_group, analysis, ap_date, True ) data = json.loads(datafile.read_text()) tags = json.loads(tagsfile.read_text()) cacheinfo = _update_cache_info(cacheinfofile, False, True) cache_age = _get_cache_age(cacheinfo) logger.debug("cache_age: %s vs maxlife: %s", cache_age, maxlifetime) # If we have specified a maxlifetime, we return an exception # if the cache is too old if maxlifetime: if float(maxlifetime) >= 0 and cache_age > float(maxlifetime): logger.debug( "cache_too or no caching: %s vs maxlife: %s", cache_age, maxlifetime ) raise InvalidCacheError(f"Cache too old ({cache_age}s > {maxlifetime}s)") return SampleCollection(data, tags), cacheinfo
[docs]def load_ap_info_from_single_file(filename): """Load the API info from a cache file (ONLY FOR TESTS)""" filename = Path(filename) if not filename.is_file(): raise IOError( f"Please specify a valid file as metadata cache, {filename} does not exist!" ) data = filename.read_text() apinfo = json.loads(data) info = apinfo["info"] tags = apinfo["tags"] return SampleCollection(info, tags)
[docs]class SampleCollection: """Class wrapping the AnalysisProduction metadata.""" def __init__(self, info=None, tags=None): = info if info else [] self.tags = tags if tags else {} def __len__(self): """Returns the lenght of the samples list.""" return len( def _sampleTags(self, sample): """Method exposing the tags for a given sample/dataset We take the dictionary passed in the tag list and add the version and name""" sid = str(sample["sample_id"]) tags = self.tags[sid] # version and name are mandatory attributes to the sample, # allowing to differentiate the samples produced when the # AP is rerun tags["version"] = sample["version"] tags["name"] = sample["name"] tags["state"] = sample["state"] return tags def __repr__(self): """Create a string representation of the samples.""" return "\n".join( [ f"{s['name']} {s['version']} files:{len(s['lfns'])} bytes:{s['total_bytes']/(1024*1024*1024):.1f} GiB | " + str(self._sampleTags(s)) for s in ] ) def __iter__(self): """Iterate on the samples in the info member.""" yield from
[docs] def itertags(self): """Iterate on all the tags present in all the samples.""" for s in yield self._sampleTags(s)
[docs] def filter(self, *args, **tags): """ Filter the requests according to the tag value passed in parameter """ samples = if (len(args) != 0) and len(args) != 2: raise ValueError( "filter method takes two positional arguments or keyword arguments" ) def _compare_tag(sample, ftag, fvalue): """Utility method than handles specific tags, but not iterables""" return safe_casefold(self._sampleTags(sample).get(ftag)) == safe_casefold( fvalue ) def _filter1(samples, ftag, fvalue): logger.debug("filtering samples for %s:%s", ftag, fvalue) if callable(fvalue): matching = [ sample for sample in samples if fvalue(safe_casefold(self._sampleTags(sample).get(ftag, None))) ] elif iterable(fvalue): # We join the requests matching in an empty SampleCollection matching = [] for v in fvalue: matching += [ sample for sample in samples if _compare_tag(sample, ftag, v) ] else: matching = [ sample for sample in samples if _compare_tag(sample, ftag, fvalue) ] return matching if len(args) == 2: samples = _filter1(samples, args[0], args[1]) for t, v in tags.items(): samples = _filter1(samples, t, v) return SampleCollection(samples, self.tags)
[docs] def PFNs(self): """Collects the PFNs""" pfns = [] for sample in # this is a map called 'lfns', in which we have the pfns for each lfn for pfnlist in sample["lfns"].values(): pfns.append(auth(pfnlist[0])) return pfns
[docs] def LFNs(self): """Collects the LFNs""" lfns = [] for sample in lfns += sample["lfns"].keys() return lfns
[docs] def byte_count(self): """Collects the number of files from all the samples""" count = 0 for sample in count += sample["total_bytes"] return count
[docs] def file_count(self): """Collects total bytecount""" count = 0 for sample in count += len(sample["lfns"].keys()) return count
def __or__(self, samples): """Logical or between two SampleCollections.""" info = + tags = {**(self.tags), **(samples.tags)} return SampleCollection(info, tags)
[docs] def available_tags(self): """returns a superset of all tags used in the samples of the collection""" available_tags = defaultdict(set) for sample in for k, v in self._sampleTags(sample).items(): available_tags[k].add(v) return dict(available_tags)
[docs] def report(self): """return a report on the samples in the collection""" tags = list(self.available_tags().keys()) header = ["id", "total_bytes", "nb_files"] + tags values = [header] for sample in row = [sample["sample_id"], sample["total_bytes"]] row.append(len(sample["lfns"].keys())) sample_tags = self.tags[str(sample["sample_id"])] for t in tags: row.append(sample_tags.get(t, None)) values.append(row) return values
[docs] def groupby(self, tags=None): """Tool that takes the samples and groups them by the tags specified. If no list of tags is specified, then the existing ones are used. """ report = header = report[0] data = report[1:] if not tags: tags = list(self.available_tags().keys()) else: missing = [t for t in tags if t not in self.available_tags().keys()] if missing: raise ValueError(f"Tag(s): {','.join(missing)} not found!") # preparing the function that lists the columns we should group on sort_tags = set(tags) - set(("version", "name")) sort_tag_ids = [i for i in range(len(header)) if header[i] in sort_tags] def group_cols(row): return [row[i] for i in sort_tag_ids] # Now getting the values themselves (excluding the header) and sort # as this is needed by itertools.groupby data.sort(key=group_cols) return { tuple(key): list(group) for key, group in itertools.groupby(data, group_cols) }